
Government and Commercial Market Confluence Driving Immediate Action

Posted on November 9, 2016


Above: graphic excerpted from Symantec’s 2016 Internet Security Threat Report.

Expertise Regarding Existing and Impending Cyber Security Regulations and Mandates

The Federal government is rapidly moving toward issuing new guidelines, regulations and mandates for implementing cyber security protection measures.  Recently, the White House and Congress passed legislation mandating that commercial entities share cyber attack insights among themselves—this is only the beginning.  This recent enactment had as a component empowering the Department of Homeland Security to issue cyber security guidelines for the commercial sector—this was dropped from the final legislation at the last minute.  However, the verdict is in—more Federal guidance is coming, and soon, especially for industries designated as being part of the critical infrastructure.

Annota LLC realizes that many private sector companies have little understanding at present of the impact these new guidelines will have on existing business operations and associated compliance reporting that will be required.  Annota LLC has developed a staff of professionals experienced in the recent and impending Federal cyber security actions; specifically, to provide private sector organizations with the following expertise:

  1. Holistic risk assessment—not simply network and physical infrastructure, but also software assets, system integration, workflows, automation, and interfaces with 3rd parties that encompass all of a commercial entities business operations.
  2. Information security and incident response documentation.
  3. Research and technology knowledge to evaluate IT infrastructure updates/replacements to be compliant.
  4. Assistance in developing regulatory cyber exam exercises.
  5. Automated reporting of compliance results and ongoing planning and management.
  6. Compliance evidence file creation and associated documentation to support government compliance and liability protection.

Prioritized, actionable recommendations to ensure a complete understand of current and impending regulations to ensure compliance.